Selected Resources

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Submitted by Pauline Lake
Published: 2 Dec 2013 - 21:17

This Hangout on Air was held on December 2, 2013 with members of the Mobile CSP project. Google hangouts are held every other Monday and are used as time to catch up, share ideas/experiences, and to discuss any problems and/or concerns that the...

Groups: Mobile CSP

Submitted by Crystal Furman
Published: 11 Aug 2013 - 21:14

Students will be introduced to the Alice 3.0 environment, as well as the difference between the code and scene editors.  Students will learn how to add, place and resize objects in the environment. While creating objects, we will take...


Submitted by Crystal Furman
Published: 24 Jul 2013 - 22:24

You will learn how the computer represents and stores information using the binary number system. In addition we will work on how we convert between these two systems.  After students become comfortable with conversions, this knowledge...


Submitted by Crystal Furman
Published: 6 Jul 2013 - 15:38

Students will be assigned a historical person computer scientist to research.  Students will use their research to create a poster about the person using Students will also...


Submitted by Crystal Furman
Published: 28 Jun 2013 - 22:20

Students will learn about the major hardware inside the computer as well as peripherals.  Students will categorize hardware components based on their common level of abstraction.  For example, a video game can use a keyboard, touch...