ECS Materials

(Blog Post)
3 Sep 2014 - 19:35
I decided to do something a bit different this year after seeing how important group work was with ECS.  Instead of just having the students come in each class period and sitting down, I introduced sorting and communication through having them...
(Resource book)
15 Jan 2014 - 19:27
Week 14/15: Project Work Videos - No Videos Required CS Concepts - No New Concepts Do Now Questions - Required Do Now Questions (.doc) Do Now Quiz Programming Challenge - Required Programming assignment - The Final Project The final...
Tags: CSP NetLogo
(Blog Post)
14 Feb 2014 - 13:54
In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, I thought I’d pass along this Wired article that may have passed your notice in January. Mathematician, Chris McKinlay, hacked OKCupid, an online dating site, to find the girl of his dreams while working on his...
(Blog Post)
2 Sep 2014 - 00:00
"Exploring Computer Science" boosts female student participation in L.A. school district to double the national average Jane Margolis is an educator and researcher at UCLA, who has dedicated her career to democratizing computer science education and...
12 Jun 2014 - 15:32
This invite-only group is for those people in states and schools districts who are working to make ECS happen in their schools. Please email Gail Chapman or Helen Hu to invite someone to this group.
Tags: ECS
3 Sep 2014 - 12:27
This lesson was really fun, it is one of my favorites. We had our papers to draw on and students had fun drawing and making lists and comparing the different ways to look at data. It took them a little while with the journal entry to know what to...
27 Aug 2014 - 15:09
We would like to announce the availability of two new Blockly-based languages that may be of interest to CS educators: Spherly is a web-based programming environment that allows programs to be written using a block language to control a Sphero...
19 Aug 2014 - 12:56
The kids really liked this project and had lots of fun researching different computers. One thing I would have done differently that would have made it better was to make sure to explain the Interview assignment from the previous day and focused on...
15 Aug 2014 - 19:13 This free monthly magazine is focused on the Raspberry Pi. There are many articles on SCRATCH programming and other languages too. The articles are brief and most are presented to inspire and teach computer science concepts...
15 Aug 2014 - 13:51
I gave the first lesson today. I was very nervous how the students would react, but they really got into it and enjoyed the lesson. I had fun too. We had a morning assembly at my school today so I only had 65 minutes to complete the whole lesson. I...