Recruiting for a study


We are a research group at Georgia Tech developing new approaches to teaching computer science at a distance.  In collaboration with researchers at Luther College, we have created a new kind of electronic book for learning Python. The book is entirely web-based and cross-platform, with special features, including programming within the book, program visualizations, videos, multiple-choice questions, and Parson's problems.  Parson's problems are computer programs that are correct, but the statements in the program are in the wrong order.  The statements may also be indented incorrectly.  To solve a Parson's problem you will drag the statements into the correct order and also fix the indention if necessary. 


We are currently seeking high school teachers with less than 6 months experience programming in a textual language to participate in a trial of this new approach to learning Python.  If you are willing to volunteer, you will need to read 3 chapters of the book on your own and at your own pace and then be observed remotely (via webinar software) as you complete the 4th chapter. We would like you to complete the 3 chapters by January 30, 2014.    


The risks involved are no greater than those involved in daily activities.  You will receive a $75 gift card for completing the observation.  Study records will be kept confidential to the extent allowed by law. To make sure that this research is being carried out in the proper way, the Georgia Institute of Technology IRB may review study records.  The Office of Human Research Protections may also look at study records.   If you have any questions about the study, you may contact Mark Guzdial at telephone 404-894-5618. If you have any questions about your rights as a research subject, you may contact Ms. Melanie Clark, Georgia Institute of Technology at (404) 894-6942. Your participation in this study is voluntary. You do not have to be in this study if you don't want to be. You have the right to change your mind and leave the study at any time without giving any reason and without penalty. Please hang on to this email as a copy of your consent form, or ask us, and we’ll re-send it to you. You do not waive any of your legal rights by agreeing to be in the study. Your participation and is greatly valued.  


If you are interested in participating, please fill out the consent form at


If you have any questions please contact me, Barbara Ericson, at .

Thank You,
Barbara Ericson
Director, Computing Outreach
College of Computing
Georgia Tech
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