Points of View: Telling a story with data (instructional day 10)

This lesson was really fun, it is one of my favorites. We had our papers to draw on and students had fun drawing and making lists and comparing the different ways to look at data. It took them a little while with the journal entry to know what to write, I had to give them examples. But once they started getting it they came up with some great ideas that we wrote on the board. (see image of board, can you find the japanese students' entries)

One thing I will do next time is to disallow drawing with pencil--for some reason all the students wanted to draw in pencil before they touched the markers. They were not as fun to show to each other in pencil.

My favorite part was the discussion we had at the end. The lesson let us talk about how we make assumptions and point out stereo types. We learned that data tells you lots of things, but there are many things data doesn't tell you and we fill in the blanks with our assumptions and biases. I also enjoyed brainstorming all the ways we give off data and collect data all the time, and particular how Google is making a lot of money collecting data from us!

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