Lo-Fi Prototyping

This is a one day activity I did with my ECS students. Anijo Mathew, instructor from the Institute of Design at the Illinois Institute of Technology faciliated the Lo-Fi prototyping activity which focuses on brainstorming, problem solving, design, and prototyping. Basically, the objective is to think about how the user experience is important to your overall design idea.

My intent was to provide my students with an experience that demonstrates the importance of planning as well as the user experience.

Student groups were given two prompts to select from: the waking experience or getting groceries home from the store. They had 20 minutes to brainstorm, design and prototype their idea and then get user reactions. The materials available to the students were post-it notes, tape, paper, markers, foam board, and basic classroom computer lab junk. They then gave a 5 minute presentation about their idea.

Here is a quick overview of the activity:

  • Helpful
  • Insightful