Need ideas for recruitment and outreach? Check out our webinar recording from March 25!


Many teachers struggle with recruiting students for their computer science program. One teacher, Art Lopez, has identified several effective strategies for recruitment and outreach.

Art works for Sweetwater High School District, which aims to have every middle school offer a computer science introductory course and every high school teach at least one CSP course. Three years ago, Art's own school, Sweetwater High School, had zero computer science courses. With the support of his school and district administrators, he began a relentness recruitment campaign, including videos and presentations to a variety of stakeholder groups. This school year, Sweetwater High has two CSP and one AP CS A courses. Next year, 250 students (and counting!) are registered, including many young women. The majority come from ethnically and culturally diverse backgrounds. But Art isn't alone. Many teachers have successfully ignited enthusiasm for computer science education!

On Wednesday, March 25 at 4pm PT/7pm ET, Art and his fellow educators—Deepa Muralidhar (lead webinar facilitator), Valerie Curry, and Tammy Pirmann—shared their recruitment and outreach strategies. In case you missed it, check out the recording:


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