CSP Materials

16 Jan 2013 - 15:42
This is a set of instructions for undergraduate students in a Computer Science Principles course to take their knowledge and turn it into a short outreach lesson.  It includes a short example outreach lesson and a form that can be used for the...
24 Jul 2013 - 23:20
I have been getting a lot of questions about books for the APCS Principles class. Here's the list I send out:     One of the things I get asked most often about the pilot is "What textbook are you using?" In reality limiting the course...
| 1 recommendations
19 Jun 2013 - 17:43
This the ultimate group! If you join, you will go through the most amazing experience of your life. Your wildest dreams will come true!
(Resource book)
13 May 2013 - 14:57
[Q2.3.1]: Could you further simplify the code in this method? [A2.3.1]: You could take the code tiles out of the Do In Order tile and then delete the Do In Order tile.
(Resource book)
13 May 2013 - 14:44
11. Animation Details: Sub-Parts (part 1) [Q 1.11.1] For this question, we don't expect you to know the answer for SURE. But, based on your experiences to now, if you had to GUESS, how do you predict the turn method will behave? What about the roll...
(Resource book)
15 Apr 2013 - 14:48
[Q 1.1.1]: How is the first video different from the second video -- you will probably want to run the two videos again? [A 1.1.1]: The first video is "Do in order" The second video is "Do together" 
(Resource book)
18 Apr 2013 - 18:27
Instructor Resources If you want to see what the completed code for the module should look like, download the file named "Module 1 Completed" from the bottom of the page. After your students finish the exploration assignment "Telling a Story" (that...
(Resource book)
18 Apr 2013 - 18:14
10. Reflecting... [Q1.10.1]: Watch this movie [in class you would be shown an Alice movie clip] and write down the plan that someone might have used to create it. [A1.10.1]: The plan:The snowman moves up.The snowman moves down.The snowman spins to...
(Resource book)
18 Apr 2013 - 18:03
9. Together & in order [Q1.9.1]: Does it matter where the Do in order tile is dropped when placing it into the Do together tile (that is, before the say tile or after the say tile)? Why? Does it matter what order we place the two slackerProm...