CSP Materials

8 Feb 2014 - 17:02
SHow power point. JOURNAL: Write algorithm  on how to move the cat down the hall and up the stairs?  DEMO: goto, move and gulide Project: Navagate the sprite down the hall and up the stairs.   DEMO FILE: http://scratch.mit.edu/...
29 Jan 2013 - 19:56
Scratch 2.0 (currently in Beta as of today 1/29/2013) allows the user to have virtual objects and use their webcam to interact with them.  One example of this is a virtual piano keyboard which you can play:   See bit.ly/scratch2demo for a...
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26 Oct 2013 - 17:00
Hello Utah ECS,   Here is a link to some of the things I use for Scratch in Computer Science 1A. It includes a nice introductory unit from another teacher, and a few fun projects with HowTo videos (Pacman, Pong, etc.) https://www.dropbox.com/sh...
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16 Oct 2013 - 11:51
I was interviewed about the ECS course and how I teach it. Check out the podcast here and let me know what you think: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/techstoryteller/2013/10/16/leslie-aaronson 
| 1 recommendations
28 Jun 2013 - 22:20
Students will learn about the major hardware inside the computer as well as peripherals.  Students will categorize hardware components based on their common level of abstraction.  For example, a video game can use a keyboard, touch screen...
16 Jan 2013 - 14:44
In Scratch once conditionals and messages have been introduced you can ask the students to create an interactive story that has at least 2 different endings using at least one conditional (if).  You can use the ask "text" and wait block which...