ECS Materials

15 Jan 2013 - 14:28
22 Jan 2013 - 11:10
I am curious how many of us have used the National Science Digital Library in our lesson preparations. I continue to be surprised how few members of the STEM community have even heard of the NSDL. It is sort of a meta-repository for a wide range of...
22 Jan 2013 - 11:07
The Raspberry Pi is a $35 computer with 512 Mb of RAM, HDMI output, video out, audio in/out, 2 usb ports, and an internet cable connection. It runs Linux and the education version includes Scratch and a Python IDE. I have managed to get OpenGL to...
17 Jan 2013 - 22:15
I just wanted to say hi (now that I am re-reading this for errors, it appears I wanted to do a little more than just say hi, :-) For some reason I missed the Facilitators BoF, and I'm very sad about that. I really had a wonderful time in Portland...
Tags: Q&A
16 Jan 2013 - 23:33
Hello everyone. Just checking if i was able to log in. I got an email that Nick has created a discussion forum for our group, but i can't find it. I wish to participate but i don't know how to get in. I hope somebody could help me on this. Thank you...
Tags: Q&A
15 Jan 2013 - 21:47
This is a one day activity I did with my ECS students. Anijo Mathew, instructor from the Institute of Design at the Illinois Institute of Technology faciliated the Lo-Fi prototyping activity which focuses on brainstorming, problem solving, design...
| 3 recommendations
16 Jan 2013 - 15:32
  Final Project: Making your Impact with an Alice Movie/Game  OverviewIn this project you will make a digital contribution to communicate your views on an issue facing society. You will do this by creating an animation or game that...
| 1 recommendations
16 Jan 2013 - 14:44
In Scratch once conditionals and messages have been introduced you can ask the students to create an interactive story that has at least 2 different endings using at least one conditional (if).  You can use the ask "text" and wait block which...
16 Jan 2013 - 13:04
Open ended assignments encourage creativity.  Once student have learned how to do simple drawing in Python using lines, rectangles, and circles they are asked to draw a house with at least one line, one rectangle, and one circle.  I have...
| 1 recommendations