Thoughts on Class Size and Students Joining midway????

Hey All~

I am running into an issue of losing students to other courses and attendance issues that may result in the student dropping.  I started with 43 students which was enough for 2 sections and am now down to 33 (with maybe at least 2 that may be moving schools and a couple others who may be dropping).  This may result in my 2 sections being combined and going to one so I want to be prepared with options.  

First, what are some of the class sizes you all have had that is manageable for this course, but may be large?  

What to do when you have a substitute in ECS?

I have found that when I am gone, my students cannot work on the ECS group lessons/projects.  Luckily I stumbled upon a great post online listing 10 Essential TED Talks that Aspiring Programmers should watch.

I have had students watch and summarize these, when I cannot be there to guide our class.  The TED talks are listed/linked here:


Voronoi Tesselation: ask students to apply this algorithm to avoid future gov't shutdowns

Political polarization is caused in part by Congressional districts gerrymandered to be homogeneous enough to preserve party seats.  Our representatives don't have to please a mix reflecting the whole country, or even their local region, but only of a set of like-minded constituents.  What if we mandated (well, suggested or promoted) that after the next decennial Census, districts were created from a Voronoi tesselation of each state.

(fwd) Hackbright Academy -- Engineering Fellowship for Women

They say "10 weeks + From beginner to software engineer + Women only"


Just heard of it today, thought I'd share.


Issue with slackers

Hello everyone,

Project/Extra for advanced students????

Hey All~

I am sure I am not the only one with this situation...

Project/Extra for advanced students????

Hey All~

I am sure I am not the only one with this situation...

What to do on Sub Days???? HELP

Hey Gang~

Not sure if you all remember me, but I am the one from Madison East High in WI that is totally new to this Comp Sci world.

English as a Second Language and Students with Disabilities


One of our ECS teachers in the District of Columbia has requested some assistance with students a) whose first language is not English and b) in special education. Does any one have any suggestions or resources that could be shared? Thanks.


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