Douni Roger's Final Project Blog





  This project is a modification of my 2011 thesis. I decided to repeat this research because the analyzed data proved to be statistically insignificant, it did not support the research question. In this project, I evaluate the effectiveness of self-paced instruction or individualized instruction . I will examine students’ achievement rate in mathematics on a self-paced program. The primary ethnic group of students in this study is Hispanic. The issue of minority students’ low high-school and college achievement rates is a central part of our national discussion about educational reform (Melguizo, 2007). Yet, there has been little discussion of who is responsible for addressing the growing crisis and devising a comprehensive response. Students are dropping out because of an irrelevant curriculum and method of instruction that is obsolete and not meeting their needs and interests (Beane, 2007). It is the researcher’s belief that self-paced instruction increases students’ success and intellectual strengths. Furthermore students on a self-paced E2020 credit recovery class are better prepared for higher education.


   Statement of the Problem

    The educators in school systems with chronically low graduation rates are failing to provide their students with the basic level of education mandated by most state constitutions. Low graduation rates indicate a systemic failure of educators. Melguizo (2007) emphasizes that state educators must be held accountable for implementing the systemic reforms necessary to reverse the alarming dropout trend.  Reformers seek to reengage students with individualized methods and curriculum.

        Research Questions

  In this paper, I will analyze the statistical accomplishment rate of self-paced math instruction in a minority institution by answering the following research question.

  •  Do students who participate in self-paced instruction improve their mathematics performance on standardized achievement tests over a one-year period?

   Purpose of the Study

   The purpose of this study is to analyze individualized or self-paced instruction. I will attempt to examine a rationale for individualized instruction in the teaching of mathematics. The effectiveness of self-paced instruction in the completion rate of mathematics may be assessed by examining students’ academic performance and perceptions associated with self-paced instruction. Students’ perceptions of self-paced program are assessed using a survey. Their academic performance can be determined by a pretest/posttest analysis on their math results.

  Definition of Terms

    Self-paced instruction - Adapting instruction to individual needs within the group at his or her own pace.According to Steiner (1971), it is a type of learning in which an individual who desires a flexible schedule completes course work as he/she has time available. The individual is not expected to proceed in a cohort or group.

    In an individualized approach to instruction, the traits of the individual learner are given more consideration. Each approach to individualizing instruction is different, but they all seek to manipulate the following three fundamental variables:

  • Pace:the amount of time given to a student to learn the content,
  • Method:the way that the instruction is structured and managed, and
  • Content:the material to be learned (, 2011).  

Lecture - An educational talk given to an audience to teach them about a particular subject, often as part of a university or college course.

Minorities - The smaller part of a group; less than half of the people or things in a large group.

  This study is a methodology of quantitative research. I examined students’ accomplishment by analyzing their academic achievements. Their academic achievement is determined by analyzing students’ completion rate and average math test scores obtained from the E2020 credit recovery database.

  Significance of the Study

This research is designed to create awareness of a needed early intervention component to increase college attendance and success and raise the expectations of low-income students who are prepared to enter and succeed in postsecondary education

Literature Review







  Data Analysis








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  • Insightful



Final Project

This sounds like a very interesting research project.  How do you plan on modeling it in Net Logo?


Unfortunately, I will no

Unfortunately, I will no longer be working on it, I was reassign to CS 390. But modeling it in NetLogo is a huge challenge!