Thursday, December 5th
5:00-6:00 PM ET
Teaching Teachers to Teach Data
This panel features staff from CS10K projects sharing the professional development resources and activities they've been using to help teachers effectively teach data. Many of the resources they'll reference are available for use by other teachers on the CS10K Community. Panelists will include Gail Chapman, national outreach director for ECS, Pat Phillips of CSTA, Pauline Lake, from the Mobile CSP project, Deepa Muralidhar, a CSP pilot teacher working with the Alabama CSP project, and Jeff Sale, from the ComPASS project at UCSD.
6:45-7:45 PM ET
Big Data: What's In It For High School Students?
Practices and tools for acquisition, manipulation, analysis and visualization of data are rapidly evolving and being put to increasingly ambitious and diverse uses. Which of these new developments are likely to be engaging for students to discuss? How can they approximate what the "big boys and girls" are doing in their projects? This panel of data experts will discuss those questions with CS10K Community members. Panelists will include Chaitan Baru, University of California San Diego Super Computer Center, Jacob Eisenstein, Georgia Tech Univeristy, David Skinner, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Adam Maltese, Indiana University, and Kathleen Perez-Lopez, American Institutes for Research.
8:00-9:00 PM ET
How I'm teaching and assessing data in my classroom
Some teachers of ECS and CSP already have significant experience teaching data, and others are developing promising new approaches that will soon be tested in the classroom. This panel of veteran computer science teachers will discuss what's worked in their classes for teaching data and what ongoing challenges and unrealized opportunities remain. Panelists include Cody Henrichsen, Canyons Technical Education Center, Sandy, UT; Kim Merino, UCLA Community School, Los Angelos, CA; Sean Morris, Albany High School, Albany, CA; and Don Yanek, Northside College Preparatory High School, Chicago, IL, president of the Chicago chapter of CSTA.
Inform your local CSTA
I am getting a fair amount of interest from teachers involved in our local CSTA chapter. This is just a plug to reach out to local chapters.