CSP Materials

(Resource book)
13 May 2013 - 14:57
[Q2.3.1]: Could you further simplify the code in this method? [A2.3.1]: You could take the code tiles out of the Do In Order tile and then delete the Do In Order tile.
(Resource book)
13 May 2013 - 14:44
11. Animation Details: Sub-Parts (part 1) [Q 1.11.1] For this question, we don't expect you to know the answer for SURE. But, based on your experiences to now, if you had to GUESS, how do you predict the turn method will behave? What about the roll...
19 Apr 2013 - 09:02
After teaching algorithms in BYOB, I teach as small unit on recursion with the intent to teach students the concept of recursion. I am also attaching the BJC Webinar on Recursion done on April 17. I also use the following resource on the...
26 Apr 2013 - 11:10
In my CS Pricniples class we are working on conditionals in programming. I want them to connect the boolean logic with the underlying hardware the system is built on. To do this we built logic gates using play-doh and LED. Play-Doh OR Gate The full...
(Blog Post)
31 Mar 2013 - 22:07
Acknowledgement   Abstract   This project is a modification of my 2011 thesis. I decided to repeat this research because the analyzed data proved to be statistically insignificant, it did not support the research...
28 Mar 2013 - 11:28
  As I am talking to folks about the CS Principles pilot this material is generating the most questions. Traditionally we just don't do data at the high school level. Right now my classes are working on the Data Portfolio as a part of the pilot...